Badz's BHA2 Judging: Oops! All BoWaP by Bagoum Played on Very Hard mode The final score is out of 25, split as follows: Gameplay: 15 points How well the script plays. Each pattern is judged individually. The individual scores are further split as 5/15 for concept and 10/15 for gameplay. Creativity and theme: 5 points How well the script uses the contest theme. Based on having a fitting pair of characters, and making good use of both of them. Aesthetics and presentation: 5 points How good the script looks and feels. Includes visuals, as well as other presentation aspects like sound effects and the system. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creativity and theme: 3.5/5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This certainly has a creative idea, but why Junko? Manipulating bullets really isn't her kind of thing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aesthetics and presentation: 3.5/5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's the standard Danmokou look. I don't have anything to comment on. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gameplay: 9.6/15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Pattern 1: "Border of Wave, Particle, Vector, and Curve" 7.5/15 (2/5 | 5.5/10) Well... the bullets curve. Not particularly interesting. -------------------------------------------------- Pattern 2: "Border of Wave, Particle, Plane, and Sphere" 10/15 (4/5 | 6/10) The dodging is fine, but it starts feeling tedious by the time it ends. -------------------------------------------------- Pattern 3: "Border of Wave, Particle, Offset, and Origin" 9.5/15 (3/5 | 6.5/10) The repositioning looks neat, but in the end, it just creates a second BoWaP on top of the first one. The bullets coming back from behind are a point of interest, at least. -------------------------------------------------- Pattern 4: "Border of Wave, Particle, Line, and Shape" 12/15 (4/5 | 8/10) I like this a lot. The curving lasers look great, and the dodging required to handle the crows is pretty fun. -------------------------------------------------- Pattern 5: "Border of Wave, Particle, Area, and Perimeter" 8/15 (2.5/5 | 5.5/10) BoWaP with some random bullets thrown in... not particularly interesting. -------------------------------------------------- Pattern 6: "Border of Wave, Particle, View, and Reflection" 9/15 (3/5 | 6/10) I'm not sure what's going on here. What's making those lasers spawn? The omnidirectional dodging with them is acceptable, at least. -------------------------------------------------- Pattern 7: "Border of Wave, Particle, Continuity, and Gap" 7.5/15 (2/5 | 5.5/10) BoWaP with a few lasers mixed in. Not particularly interesting either. -------------------------------------------------- Pattern 8: "Border of Wave, Particle, Circle, and Lily" 11/15 (3.5/5 | 7.5/10) The shifting flower-like circles look nice and are pretty fun to dodge. -------------------------------------------------- Pattern 9: "Border of Wave, Particle, Touhou, and CAVE" 12/15 (4/5 | 8/10) The concept is neat, and the curving BoWaP combined with the fire works fairly well. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final score: 16.6/25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Closing notes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -I like this script's premise, but a lot of the resulting patterns are just uninteresting. I can't help but notice my favorites ended up being the least BoWaP-like ones.