Badz's BHA2 Judging: Time and Rhyme by yeet1234567890 The final score is out of 25, split as follows: Gameplay: 15 points How well the script plays. Each pattern is judged individually. The individual scores are further split as 5/15 for concept and 10/15 for gameplay. Creativity and theme: 5 points How well the script uses the contest theme. Based on having a fitting pair of characters, and making good use of both of them. Aesthetics and presentation: 5 points How good the script looks and feels. Includes visuals, as well as other presentation aspects like sound effects and the system. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creativity and theme: 2.5/5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The characters do fit together, but I don't feel like this script makes good use of their different danmaku styles. If anything, there are too many cases where they're both doing the exact same thing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aesthetics and presentation: 1.5/5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's all default assets and free-to-use resources, which isn't bad in itself. However, it loses points due to presentation issues like bullets spawning at (0,0) when patterns end. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gameplay: 8/15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before I get to the patterns, there's one big thing: Kaguya cannot be damaged. This impacts playability in several places. -------------------------------------------------- Nonspell 1 8.5/15 (2.5/5 | 6/10) A spiral with some random bullets mixed in. It's not *bad*, but it's not very interesting either. -------------------------------------------------- Spell 1: Time Sign "Instantaneous Warp" 6/15 (2/5 | 4/10) The idea could be used in interesting ways, but this just makes a field of random lasers. -------------------------------------------------- Nonspell 2 9.5/15 (3/5 | 6.5/10) This is fine. Kaguya's lasers tend to end up at (0,0) for some reason, though. -------------------------------------------------- Spell 2: Time Sign "Eternal Stop" 8/15 (4/5 | 4/10) It's a very interesting concept, but the execution has issues: -If the player isn't under Sakuya at the beginning of it, there's no way for them to move and deal damage. This is admittedly unlikely to happen, but it's still a serious problem. -It can be cheesed by continuously "moving" diagonally downwards, which makes the bullets unable to reach the player before it ends. -------------------------------------------------- Nonspell 3 10/15 (3/5 | 7/10) Sakuya's knife +'s look weird, but besides that, this plays well enough. -------------------------------------------------- Spell 3: Time Stopper "Timekeeper's Watch" 8/15 (3/5 | 5/10) This would be easier to parse if the bullets flying in flower-like shapes rendered above the aimed shots. It's really hard to read in its current state. Otherwise, this works, though the two halves of the pattern feel disconnected. -------------------------------------------------- Nonspell 4 7/15 (2/5 | 5/10) It's just lines of bullets... and Kaguya's butterfly lines remind me more of Yuyuko. -------------------------------------------------- Spell 4: Grow Sign "Instant Growing" 6.5/15 (3/5 | 3.5/10) The delay lasers are showing the activating animation, even though they're harmless. They should be deleted before they can do that. There's also no way to distinguish the delay lines from the bosses and the ones from Kaguya's growing shots. Add in the danmaku spawning all over the screen, and this makes a mess that I simply can't keep up with. This would've been a lot better if Kaguya's growing shots simply went upwards, I think. -------------------------------------------------- Nonspell 5 9.5/15 (3.5/5 | 6/10) I like the look of the whirling bullets here. (Though once again, butterfly lines are more of a Yuyuko thing.) -------------------------------------------------- Spell 5: Bloom Sign "Flowers in Eternal Bloom" 6.5/15 (2.5/5 | 4/10) Please don't spawn lasers so quickly after the cut-in animation. There's no way to react to these. The inability to damage Kaguya makes this problematic: you'd have to chase Sakuya around to deal damage, but it's not an option because of the laser pattern she fires while moving. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final score: 12/25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Closing notes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -This has a fairly obvious "first script" vibe. The feedback might be discouraging, but don't give up!