Bullet Hell Artistry #2 - Lusushime For this contest I'm using a 25 point rating scale so I don't get fined. Danmaku Quality: 15/25 Danmaku Quality encompasses the quality of the danmaku in your script. "Good" patterns will equal a "good" score in this category. What makes a pattern good is subjective, but the #1 factor is fun. A flashy, gorgeous pattern that isn't fun won't fare well here. Note that aesthetic factors can still factor into this - proper usage of sound effects and graphics can make an unfair pattern fair, and improper usage of those can make an otherwise-fair pattern unfair. Individual patterns will be rated out of 10. The average of that will be taken and scaled to calculate the Danmaku Quality score. Aesthetics: 5/25 This category encompasses how your entry looks (and sounds). While danmaku should absolutely come first, visual and audio elements are also a part of the gameplay experience. Character Cooperation: 5/25 5 points will be dedicated to how well the characters fit the contest theme of being unlikely allies. How well do they cooperate? Do their patterns make good use of both of the respective characters gimmicks, or are they just solo patterns mushed together? Note that cooperation means "how well the danmaku works together", not necessarily how well the CHARACTERS work together. If the characters are actively fighting each other, that's fine as long as the pattern is good. ====================================================================================================================== Nonspell 1: As simple as it is, I really like this non. You get just enough time to comfortably read ahead and dodge the walls. 8.5/10. Spell 1: omg stole from eub I ban. JK I like this pattern too, though it impresses me less than the previous non. 7.75/10. Nonspell 2: I think Kisume is less involved in this non and it's more of a relatively plain dodging pattern. 7.5/10. Spell 2: I'm assuming the intended strategy is to stream upwards, in which case I would say this pattern seems like a difficulty spike. Still a neat idea, just seems too hard to me compared to other patterns. 6.75/10. Nonspell 3: I think this is also a great pattern! Just as good as the first non. 8.5/10. Spell 3: I think I'd like this pattern more if Kisume didn't follow you quite that many times. It makes it feel like the pattern drags on, even if it's not THAT long from what I've seen. Otherwise it's fair and kind of fun, just drags on. 5.75/10. Danmaku Score: 7.458333333333333/10 (scaled to 11.19/15) ====================================================================================================================== Aesthetically, I think this script is a bit above average. Nothing very fancy but nothing offensive. 2.75/5 As an extremely minor gripe, your pause menu doesn't wrap around if you press the up key while selecting the topmost option or down key and bottommost. ====================================================================================================================== I think the characters work together decently well for a Perfect Possession-style script. 3.25/5. OVERALL SCORE 11.19 + 2.75 + 3.25 = 17.19/25