Imperishable History by Akemi Yume Difficulty - Default Character - Marisa Playthrough - Creativity – 5/5 A good battle and did fit Keine to a tee. It covered all the bases of Keine-like attacks, but also added in some new styled attacks as well. Aesthetics – 4/5 For the most part, it is just a script using the standard danmaku graphics. However the new HUDD was a nice touch as are the new character cut-ins. Spell Grading – 8.33/10 (12.5/15 total) Non-spell 1 - 9/10 It works out good. It's basically her original non-spell, but with larger bullets. But considering what this is, it's quite fitting. Past Sign “Reread Through History” - 7/10 Interesting idea, in practice however I feel it could use some work. It goes on for quite some time and since the bullets are static and symmetrical, you can just hang out in the middle, scoot back and not have to worry about much at all. It feels like you're not really given a chance to appreciate what this spell is doing. Non-spell 2 - 8/10 It's basically the same non-spell as before, but with lasers. Lasers may be in her wheelhouse, but I would have preferred to see a bit more creativity here, considering the red bullets are behaving exactly the same as before “Current Gods Realm” - 8/10 It works, and you are forced to keep watch for an opening since cause you have to keep ahead of the aimed bullets, you do have to move as soon as you see an opening. Even still, there is an aggravating amount of time you spend doing nothing in this spell, simply cause you can't get out, just waiting for your opening Non-spell 3 - 9/10 I know it's the same logic as before, but honestly the execution's really cool. I like how it still has the same effect as her non-spells, but it turns the bullets into essentially a shifting labyrinth of bullets you need to find your way though while ignoring the diagonal ones History Sign “Ashes of Pompeii” - 8/10 On one hand, I like the dynamic nature of this, what with the lower half of the screen being death. On the other hand, once you get into it you realize there's really not much to this spell, it's still a swarm of direct attacks. “Hug the bottom and dodge what comes your way” is the same, even if the “bottom” is the middle of the screen. Non-spell 4 - 7/10 I am not a fan of the way the lasers fire out sop slowly. Because of the nature of them, they don't really act as a challenge you need to avoid, so much as they act as a wall trying to trap you against the red bullets. Not a bad idea on paper, but because they hang out for so long (with multiple waves mind you) this feels like a spell that leans more towards luck at times. “Devourer of History” - 9/10 Simple and sweet, I like it. It does it's job, it doesn't go on for too long, and the increasing number of bullet waves does change your plan of attack a bit. Not just in a “this is a new bullet I need to dodge” but the kunai in particular make it so you have to pay real close attention to when exactly you slip through the blue bullets, lest you trap yourself. Three Sacred Treasure - 10/10 I like the unique way you have an interpretation of her three sacred treasures attacks build onto one another here. Orb sets up the structure, Mirror builds on it and then Sword keeps the same logic, but changes where you have to dodge to. They all work very well together and this is a great final spell for Keine. Final Score – 21.5/25 And all around good script. I do feel there's some spells that could use some work and could be a bit better, but no real egregious problems. A great job of representing Keine (and I like the soft nods to her Ex-mid-boss attacks) and I feel the final spell was also really well done as well.