Kogasa's Last Surprise by Eye Candy Games Difficulty - Normal Character - Reimu (default) Playthrough - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSA7VQ47Bf0 Creativity – 5/5 Very great way of showcasing Kogasa, both mechanically and thematically. Rain, rainbow bullets, and creative use of her umbrella bullets as well. Though what I really like is how you incorporated hard and fast “surprising” attacks into many of her shots, that will get your attention, but never were so overbearing they came off as blind-run-killers. Aesthetics – 5/5 Cool custom HUD and neat use of choice bullets as well, with some of them being outside the norm. Though I do have to say, my favorite part was the changing background you had going on between non-spells. Starting from a clear blue sky, transitioning to rain, to a yellow sunny sky and ending with a rainbow was a really cool touch here. Spell Grading – 9/10 (13.5/15 total) Non-spell 1 - 9/10 Really cool and works great for an opening non-spell. Like I said before, I like how you've got Kogasa firing a “surprising” burst of bullets, that aren't too over the top. Umbrella Sign “Homing Umbrella” - 8/10 I do like it, I just feel that giving players the chance to destroy the umbrella sends the wrong message for this spell. Cause honestly, it's both a pointless gesture, but one you'll get punished for as well. Giving players the option to destroy them makes you think you should, which that really isn't the case, since you wanna get out of dodge since not only will you probably not destroy them all, but you'll also have to contend with the bullets that are coming from behind them as well. Non-spell 2 - 9/10 Simple, but works. It is just a simple burst of bullets coming from Kogasa, but it's different from before adding variety to the set. Plus, thematically it fully matches the rain effect you've got going on as well. Rain Sign “Surprise Rainfall” - 8/10 A clever spell, though I feel its unique nature is a tad underutilized. You've got the growing and shrinking aura that shoots bullets, and then you've got the umbrella's shooting crisscrossing bullets at you. But they're both completely separate from one another. When you no longer have to worry about the aura, you're contending with the umbrella's, when you pass the umbrella bullets, you then have to contend with the aura. You're always doing something, but they're completely separate from each other. Non-spell 3 - 9/10 I feel the blue bullets could have lasted a bit longer, but they do add variety and an added layer of threat, you can't just ignore them. Ultimately though, you do only have to deal with a scant few of them as you move from gap to gap in the red waves. Umbrella Sign “Sudden Umbrella Strike” - 9/10 Really cool idea that works very well with all that's going on. A spell that really keeps you on your toes as you have to keep getting away from the aimed shots, keep having to chase after Kogasa and all the while contend with the rest of the bullets on screen. You've got a lot going on here, and it all works very well together. Non-spell 4 - 9/10 I think I would have preferred more curving from the red lasers, or denser purple bullets. But that's just a difficulty thing, and this does work well with what came before and after it. As is, a fitting non-spell that's different from the rest, and can catch you off guard if you get too complacent and get pushed against the wall. Sun Sign “Parasol Star Requiem” - 10/10 I really like the umbrella's blocking the lasers here, especially since you can't rely on them for the entirety of each wave. Making it so you not only have to dodge the bullets while contending with the blocked and unblocked lasers, but then forcing you to also move with the lasers near the end of the spell as well. Non-spell 5 - 9/10 And we're essentially returning to how we began with her last non-spell. Basically just a harder version of it, but mechanically fitting, plus very thematically fitting as well what with the rainbow motif going on. “The Flying Youkai Babysitter” - 9/10 A cute spell, forcing you to balance staying under Kogasa as long as you can to rack up damage, but also getting out of dodge before it's too late. Having her loop around to the top of the screen was a nice touch as well, being fittingly “surprising” without being an overt threat, but also creating a break in the bullets between waves. “Kogasa's Last Surprise” - 10/10 Gotta say, having the umbrella's be her actual health bar is a really clever idea and I love the implementation here. Each phase asks different stuff from you both in how you dodge it, since even the direct attacks are styled differently. But because the aura of umbrella's is so large, at times how you want to attack her is different as well (adding a touch of difference in strategy between her first and fourth phases for instance). A very creative spell all in all. Final Score – 23.5/25 All in all, a really fun and creative script. It fits her rain theme, umbrella theme and especially her “surprising people” theme in some very interesting waves, and ultimately was really fun to play as well. Very few complaints all in all, and a couple spells that really impressed me.