-Moonlight Butterfly- If your goal was to capture the spirit of Dark Souls...I guess you succeeded, on some godforsaken level. There's too much blue, by the way. -A very fast, random pattern, and then a strange aimed knife pattern. The fast pattern is hard to dodge, even when the boss is on the top of the screen... So why is it positioned at the MIDDLE of the screen? Bosses going down there is usually frowned upon if the pattern is fast and hard to read easily. -Here's an idea, let's shoot the giant knives before the spellcard finishes declaring. The giant knives come out of nowhere and cheapshot you, and then the 'branches' they make are even worse. They're impossible to read which direction they're going. -The pattern the familiars drop looks cool, and is at least fun to read. The only pattern I really like in this whole thing. -First rule of danmakufu, if bullets will spawn from the bottom of the screen, give warning. There's no such thing here, and it pisses me off. It's nearly impossible to get through that portion, and this spell as a whole just feels gross. -This nonspell is incredibly uninspiring. It's just 4 rings of bullets. It's almost Junko like, if anything. -And here we have Yaorochi without the interesting bits. It's not really fun, or interesting to look at, it just kind of is. -What even is this. The fast bouncing bullets, the tiny squeezes with the huge lines from the sky, the laser, and just how often the boss moves around...This isn't fun, or fair, or interesting. It's just kind of BS. I found myself getting really angry while playing it.