-Grandad Comment- A jokescript akin to Koishi Hell and others...but actually playable. Like, it's surprisingly playable, I expected it to be nothing but impossible to dodge BS, but was VERY pleasantly surprised. -The first nonspell, and it's a fun one. I like the simple red/blue pattern, and then dodging through it with the random bullets. Simple and neat, though the fast speed of the random bullets can catch you off guard. -I really like this spell...without the giant yellow death walls. The medium bullets are fun to dodge around as you try and get through the red small bullets, but the laser wall is VERY clippy, and has no warning for its appearance. It also just looks weird. -I half expected you to throw the girls at the player, tbh, but no such thing happened! I really like the streaming part of this pattern, though the purple bullets don't serve much purpose. -A fun circular streaming spell. I like dodging the Attack Rush bit and around the boss. Not much else to say! -Something occurs to me while I'm writing this, I never did check to see if the big circles that appear when the orb bullets explode kills you. Regardless, the first three waves has nothing to do with the actual spell itself, and kind of appear to just be there to take up space. The main pattern, though is FUN. Like, really fun to dodge and stuff. The only problem is that the aimed bit is kind of unintuitive to dodge, simply because it's hard to imagine how that's going to wrap. -A long multipart survival, because why not. I really like the first bit, with the large bullets leaving the bullet trails. I wish you expanded more on that bit, because it looks really good and could make for more good phases. The cross segment locks you down very nicely, and the gun shots at the same time really works well to keep you watching your trail. The Scarlet Weather Rhapsody bit is really cool, though the add bullets kind of cover each other up, making it harder to read, while the white orbs in the final phase don't serve too much purpose, making it kind of meh for a finishing attack. -Joy, just what this world needs. Another Devil's Recitation. I'm very lukewarm about this. It feels like random BS for the sake of it, and I'm just not really fond of it. The giant sevens are also weird to dodge, because they come at really awkward speeds, and just look weird.