LOCAA 8 Judgment - Lefkada All judgments by me will follow the following rubric: Danmaku Quality*: 14/20 Character Relevance & Creativity: 3/20 Aesthetics: 3/20 This is a change since last time - danmaku matters more. Because in my opinion it should. *All patterns are given a score out of 10. Then the average of that is multiplied by 1.4 to get the score out of 14. ~~~ Played on Normal mode! Attack 1: Fine, fine. 7/10. Not-Actually-A-Spell: ...not judging this because it's not a thing. It is a pretty clever way of giving the player Hyper gauge. Attack 2: I like this one. Pretty difficult all-around, but fun! 8/10. Attack 3: Pretty simple stuff all around, but appropriately brutal. I don't like how the last stream of bullets forces you upwards, but I guess I should've seen it coming. 6/10. Attack 4: I like this too. Lots of streaming but the player is given the tools to reverse direction easily if they make a mistake. Neat. 7/10. Attack 5: Likely the most traditionally-touhou pattern here. Pretty easy compared to the rest, but still kills you if you aren't good. Fun! 8/10. Attack 6: The opening looks scary but isn't bad at all. Also a straightforward no-tricks dodging pattern which a Touhou player could do. I think the wavy lines at the side are a bit much, though. 7/10. Attack 7: An awfully familiar-looking ending to the script. Reasonably challenging and pretty nice for an ending attack. 8/10. Danmaku Quality: (7+8+6+7+8+7+8)/7 = 7.285*1.4 = 10.2/14. As for character relevance, only a few attacks seem like Reimu in my opinion. The patterns ARE quite creative, though. 2/3. Aesthetics: All-around excellent! 3/3. Final Score: 10.2 + 2 + 3 = 15.2