[AchySolrock] Marisa (Default Difficulty) [Danmaku = 4.90/10] Hm there's some variety here, the familiars move weirdly and the stars actually being shot out looks random and there are times when tt happens to be fast enough to blindshot me, the Master Spark spell doesnt help either , there's just not enough room to weave through after the spark is shot out it makes it a bit unfair [Balancing = 1.20/2] theres not much to go through here, other than the spells the nonspells looks like the same exact difficulty everytime theres no difficulty spikes definitely but no variety either [Aesthetics = 2.80/5] Those flaming stars are beautiful , the stars are i assume made by you because I've never seen those graphics before, the spark is abstract little too static and the background is too stale [Overall Enjoyment = 1.30/3] [Final Score = 9.90/20] the patterns are random in more ways than one and cheapshot is subtly present the graphics are very nice to look at but music is too low and subtle The enjoyment factor gets drained as the script goes on however try to keep your scripts interesting to look at and play