RaNGE Danmaku Contest 14 ~ Popular Popularity! Contestant : Midnight Sparkle Script : RaNGE 144 Popular Popularity (Mokou) Judged by TalosMistake My Judging Criteria Danmaku - Worth 15 points Visual & Effect - Worth 3 points Others (Difficulty,Aesthetics) - Worth 2 points Total Score = 20 // Extra Credit (Stage,Midboss,Player,Gimmick,etc) Worth 1 points. Will count to your final score Important Note I'm not a native english speaker,so I apologize in advance for any grammatical mistakes and/or uncleared words or phases I use. If you have any questions about my judging, feel free to PM me via MotK forum. <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> -Danmaku- (15 point) Non-spell 1 : Generic non-spell.Nuff said [12/15] Great Flare : -Let This World Burn To Nothing- What an arousing name. Blue fires are random, and the burst is very intimidated on the first try. [13/20] Non-spell 2 : Another generic non-spell. I think it's much better to create your own pattern, while still make it feel true to character rather than follow Zun's pattern every step. [11.5/15] Pheonix's Immortality : -The Firey Curse- Nice pattern here, but it suffered from unoriginality. [10.5/20] Magestic Wings : -Immortal Feather- Now this is something original. The aimed Pheonix did a good job. However, it's too easy compare to the entire fight. [14/20] Overall, for the main boss fight you get 10.17 points out of 15 -Visual & Effect- (3 point) At least you managed to animated Mokou's sprite & wings. Charge effect could be better,though. [1/3] -Others (Difficulty,Aesthetics) - (2 point) Difficulty is more like an easy version of extra mode. (except spell 3 which is too easy.) The lack of sound effect & music hurt aesthetics a lot. [0.25/2] Extra Credit (Stage,Midboss,Player,Gimmick,etc) (1 points). This is supposed to be a bonus score, so I won't minus your point because your engine has a ton of bugs/glitchs At least you made a player and it's somewhat...decent. [0.2/1] ##### Final Score = 10.17+1+0.25+0.2 = 11.62 #####