Crested judging for RaNGE 20: Twin Seasons with The Most-Despicable and Disastrous Gods by Gregory/Green Dinobot. Script contains 4 nonspells and 4 spells. No difficulty selection. Only player is a custom Sejia player. I will be judging based on danmaku design, with a high focus on balance and creativity second. Aesthetics are good and not distracting, so no penalty will be issued. Considering how many berserk phases there are I'll judge by trying to kill both bosses at the same time. Nonspell 1: Quite simple but it works. 15/20 Spring "Scattering Poverty Pellets": Flowers made of bullets are always nice to see. An interesting pattern. 18/20 Nonspell 2: Those bullet trails and backwards butterfly shots are really annoying. It's fair though. 16/20 Summer "Scorching Bubble of Misery": Even more bullet trails but it still works. 16/20 Nonspell 3: I'm not too sure what the orange arrowheads are really meant to do, but the rain of coins looks nice. 15/20 Autumn "God of Famine": The zigzag movement of the golden words are really difficult to predict given how much else is happening in the spell as well. 13/20 Nonspell 4: With how random the speed of the straight lasers' movement is, along with the chaotic curvy lasers, there's just a little too much happening at once for this to be really fair. 13/20 Misfortune "Plucking Pigeon in Winter": The lack of indication of when the purple words will fire their amulets makes it difficult to tell where to position yourself. Shion's berserk phase can also get a little bullshit. 13/20 Overall: 14.9/20 While the dual boss fight is a cool idea, the whole script as a whole felt a little disorganized. It's clear you've put in a lot of effort to making so many berserk phases though, so good job on that.