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Gen'eimaru Hibyou

Gen'eimaru Hibyou (秘猫 幻影丸 Hibyou Gen'eimaru), also known simply as Gen, is the Extra Stage Boss of SeitenTouji 1 - Adamantine Memory Blade. Having been asleep for many years, the actions of the final boss caused him to awaken.

秘猫 (ひびょう)  幻影丸 (げんえいまる)
Gen'eimaru Hibyou
Gen'eimaru Hibyou
In this universe, this is a shot of Gen's head. Or is it?
Schrödinger's Cat
HometownMunich, Bavaria, Germany
Age at Death???
Time in Daiten Daichi0y (Start of AMB)
AbilitiesTo Undetermine the Past, Present, and Future

General Information


Gen'eimaru is a friendly, laid-back cat who is fond of cardboard boxes and warm laps. He's highly intelligent and possesses incredible power, but would rather curl up on someone's lap and watch the sunset.

Despite this, he's not the type to give up and although a pacifist, can and will trash his opponent if he needs to.

On a side note, he is 10000x more snarky than Teiki.

Gen enjoys boxes, catnip, and theoretical physics along with its related mathematical and computational applications.


Despite being a nekomata, he has no special abilities derived from his race. Instead, he has the intrinsic ability as the living incarnation of a thought experiment to control that which he represents - quantum determinism.

Gen's attacks are based on uncertainty, duality, and fate. In other words, he takes the RNG (or is it really the RNG? Hmm...), and makes you hate it so very much.


As of the ending of Adamantine Memory Blade, he is Ryusuke's pet.


Gen'eimaru was created at around the same time of Schrödinger's death, though his existence did not materialize until much later, when a physicist's cat died and was reincarnated in Daiten Daichi, providing a corporeal existence for Gen'eimaru to inhabit.

Character Design


Gen'eimaru was created after much debate as to what SeitenTouji was supposed to be. Gen'eimaru's existence was the catalyst that drove SeitenTouji to be about the materialization of human thought and creation rather than just physical robots and technology.


Literally meaning "Hidden Cat Illusion Shadow", Gen'eimaru's name was a mish-mash of Google Translate and shoving kanji together into a name.


Gen'eimaru was designed on January 1, 2016. He wears a light patterned shirt that stops halfway down his abdomen, complete with black, white, aqua, and dark teal portions (and perhaps more). He wears black fingerless gloves and shorts that match the colors of his shirt. On his face there are burnt colored markings, and his hair is sort of long. He has aqua patters around his arms and legs above the joint as well as alongside the front and back of his body, to the right and left of his abs on the front and on top of above his lats on the back. Below the Teres muscles and pecs, the patterns make a 90 degree angle onto his obliques to connect the front and back portions. On the bottom portion, the lines converge on the side of his legs and join with the rings above his knees.

As a cat, Gen is a Siberian Cat, extra fluffy and good for snuggling in Ryusuke's lap.

As a human, Gen is skinny and lean, and also boasts great flexibility. His head is able to fit in many sizes of boxes.

Gen'eimaru's Appearances

SeitenTouji 1 - Adamantine Memory Blade

Gen'eimaru is the Extra Stage Boss. In the story, he has just awoken from slumber and has met (and chatted to) Taro, having learned about the world and various other things. He also beat the living daylights out of Taro by complete and utter accident using his ability to manipulate probability states. He meets Teiki and they have a friendly battle.

After their battle, Gen returns home with Teiki, where he becomes the household snarkmaster furball.


Ryusuke Koudan

Since Ryusuke loves cats, Gen'eimaru became his pet. They have a special attack, created by Gen, known as 'Gengeki - 幻撃', literally translating to 'Phantom Strike'. In reality it is an attack where Gen (幻) loads himself into Ryusei's flamethrower and gets blasted out in the opposite direction from the enemy. Gen then creates infinite universes, selects the one where he miraculously manages to hit the target, and destroys all the other universes. In the end, he strikes (撃) the enemy - a sure-hit attack that will never miss. It is not animal abuse because the animal insisted on it against the human's will. But Gen will assure you that it is fun to miraculously hit someone in the opposite direction you're fired from.

Other Relationships



ExAttack NameJapanese NameCommentsGamesSpell ID
Probability Sigil 「Gaussian Nightmare ~ Central Limit Theorem in the Cardboard Box」AMBAMB: 123
Quantum Entanglement 「No-Cat-Cloning Theorem」AMBAMB: 124
Probability Sigil 「Hypergeometric Waltz of the Forgotten Kitten」AMBAMB: 125
Subluminal Array 「Catnip-Fueled Gravitational Flux」AMBAMB: 126
Probability Sigil 「Law of the Unconscious Nekomata」AMBAMB: 127
Wave Function 「Balls of Hydroyarn」AMBAMB: 128
Probability Sigil 「Moment Generating Purr Function」AMBAMB: 129
Quantum Array 「Border of Cat and Human」AMBAMB: 130
Quantum Entanglement 「Schrodinger's Meow」AMBAMB: 131
Adamantine Memory FurballAMBAMB: 132
Trapped Rat 「Attack on RNGcat」AMB: OverdriveAMBAMB: 140
Probability Sigil 「Hidden Marpaw Models」AMB: Last WordAMBAMB: 148

Additional Information

Gen'eimaru was designed by Sparen. Color scheme by Jake Hafner/Ulimadragon88/bronxterror.

Music Themes

Adamantine Memory Blade
---Vibrant Streak ~ March of Thoughtless Dreams

SeitenTouji and all characters © Sparen of Iria