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Sparen's Danmakufu ph3 Tutorials - Function Reference (Object Functions)


Welcome to my local copy of the Touhou Danmakufu ph3 Function Reference, available in case the Danmakufu Wiki goes down *again*. Here you can access the entirety of the translated Danmakufu function reference, although it has passed through the Sparen filter and therefore may be slightly different from the Wiki.

The OFFICIAL JAPANESE DOCUMENTATION can be found at mkm's website. In addition, the full Japanese docs have been backed up to GitHub. This link may be sufficient, but if you experience garbled text, you may need to change your browser's Text Encoding [Safari/Firefox: View -> Text Encoding -> Japanese (Shift JIS); Chrome 55+: Extension required]. Alternatively, download the documentation via the 'Clone or download' button.

In the tutorials, the functions will be available like so: Obj_GetValueD()

General Functions, Player/System/Script Functions, and Events are on their own respective pages to prevent this page from becoming too long. To access these, refer to the sidebar.

Notes on types:
mkm uses types such as 'real' (for real numbers and object IDs), 'char' (for characters and strings), and 'free' (wildcard). In my version of the documentation, I break this down by primary type (number/char/string/bool/free/etc) with a detailed type in parenthesis (float/int/path/Object ID). I also provide types for return values.

Object Functions

Render Object Functions

Primitive Object Functions

2D Sprite Object Functions

2D Sprite List Object Functions

3D Sprite Object Functions

Mesh Object Functions

Text Object Functions

Shader Object Functions

Sound Object Functions

File Object Functions

Text File Object Functions

Binary File Object Functions

Move Object Functions

Enemy Object Functions

Boss Scene Object Functions

Shot Object Functions

Item Object Functions

Player Object Functions

Collision Object Functions