#ScriptVersion[3] //This is required for ph3 scripts
#Text["SampleA01:Shooting Bullets Straight Down"]
//Load the default shotsheet
#include "script/default_system/Default_ShotConst.txt"
//Declaring Global Variables
//The variables declared here can be used throughout the entire script.
//However, the variables declared here are static.
//(They can be changed, but not by themselves as they are not in the main loop)
//(As execution order cannot be guaranteed, random numbers cannot be used(?))
let objEnemy; //Enemy object
let frame = 0; //Counter for timing enemy movements.(Will keep increasing by one in @MainLoop)
//Enemy movement
//The script asks for the enemy's life
SetScriptResult(500); //Setting the enemy's life to 500
//Creating and registering enemy objects
objEnemy = ObjEnemy_Create(OBJ_ENEMY_BOSS);
//Setting the enemy's image
let imgExRumia = GetCurrentScriptDirectory() ~ "ExRumia.png"; //file path to enemy image
ObjPrim_SetTexture(objEnemy, imgExRumia);
//Setting the above image file as a texture to the enemy object(objEnemy)
ObjSprite2D_SetSourceRect(objEnemy, 64, 1, 127, 64);
//Setting the rectangle coordinates in the enemy image to use(Left, Top, Right, Bottom).
//Positioning the center of the rectangle(w/texture) at (0, 0) on the stage(top left corner).
//Moving to the coordinate (cx, 60) in 60 frames
let cx = GetStgFrameWidth() / 2;
//defines the variable cx as the horizontal middle of the stage. (Stage width / 2)
ObjMove_SetDestAtFrame(objEnemy, cx, 60, 60);
//retrieving enemy coordinates
let ex = ObjMove_GetX(objEnemy);
let ey = ObjMove_GetY(objEnemy);
if(frame == 60)
//executed when frame is equal to 60
//・shoots a bullet straight down from the enemy's position
//・speed: 3 pixels per frame
//・angle: 90 (down) (0 = right, 180 = left, 270 = up)
//・delay: 30 frames
CreateShotA1(ex, ey, 3, 90, DS_BALL_S_RED, 30);
frame = 0;
//after the bullet is shot, frame is returned to 0 to build up to 60 again and fire another bullet.
//Setting the enemy hit box
ObjEnemy_SetIntersectionCircleToShot(objEnemy, ex, ey, 32); //hitbox against player bullets. 32 is the radius.
ObjEnemy_SetIntersectionCircleToPlayer(objEnemy, ex, ey, 24); //hitbox against the player. 24 is the radius.
//adding +1 to frame. "frame++" is equivalent to "frame = frame + 1;" or "frame += 1;"
//If the enemy's life is 0
if(ObjEnemy_GetInfo(objEnemy, INFO_LIFE) <= 0)
//the enemy is killed immediately when life is 0
//As this is a beginner sample script,
//the script is ended immediately without waiting for an explosion effect