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shot_image = "./white.png"

	id = 0 //Dummy Shot
	rect = (0,0,0,0)
	render = ALPHA
	collision = 12

	id = 1
	rect = (0, 0, 8, 8)
	render = ALPHA
	alpha = 64
	collision = 12

	id = 2
	rect = (0, 0, 4, 16)
	render = ADD_ARGB
	alpha = 64
	collision = 12

Player Script

#Title["Danmakufu Tutorials - Player Script"]
#Text["Example player script built for the Danmakufu Tutorials"]

let objPlayer = GetPlayerObjectID();
let csd = GetCurrentScriptDirectory();

let curr_graze_particles = 0;
let playerdead = false;
let count = 0;

@Initialize {
    LoadPlayerShotData(csd ~ "shotdata.txt");
    ObjPlayer_AddIntersectionCircleA1(objPlayer, 0, 0, 1, 20);

@MainLoop {
    count += 1;

@Event {
    case(EV_GRAZE) {
        // Add sound here
        if (curr_graze_particles < MAX_GRAZE_PARTICLES) {
        playerdead = true;
        // Optional: run a task to delete bullets in a radius of the player
        playerdead = false;
        SetPlayerSpell(3); // Note: You can also use max(#, GetPlayerSpell) to not destroy extra bombs from prior life
        // Optional: run a task to delete bullets in a radius of the player
    case(EV_REQUEST_SPELL) {
        let spell = GetPlayerSpell();
        if (spell >= 1) {
            SetPlayerSpell(spell - 1);
            if (GetVirtualKeyState(VK_SLOWMOVE) != KEY_HOLD && GetVirtualKeyState(VK_SLOWMOVE) != KEY_PUSH) {
            } else {
        } else {

task DrawPlayer {
    let path = csd ~ "white.png";
    ObjPrim_SetTexture(objPlayer, path);
    ObjSprite2D_SetSourceRect(objPlayer, 0, 0, 15, 15);
    loop {
        if (playerdead) {
            ObjRender_SetAlpha(objPlayer, 0);
        } else {
            ObjRender_SetAlpha(objPlayer, 255);
        if(GetVirtualKeyState(VK_LEFT) == KEY_PUSH || GetVirtualKeyState(VK_LEFT) == KEY_HOLD) {
            ObjRender_SetAngleZ(objPlayer, -15);
        } else if(GetVirtualKeyState(VK_RIGHT) == KEY_PUSH || GetVirtualKeyState(VK_RIGHT) == KEY_HOLD) {
            ObjRender_SetAngleZ(objPlayer, 15);
        } else {
            ObjRender_SetAngleZ(objPlayer, 0);

task RenderHitbox {
    let path = csd ~ "white.png";
    let visible = false;
    let objHitbox = ObjPrim_Create(OBJ_SPRITE_2D);
    ObjPrim_SetTexture(objHitbox, path);
    ObjSprite2D_SetSourceRect(objHitbox, 0, 0, 5, 5);
    ObjSprite2D_SetDestRect(objHitbox, -5, -5, 5, 5);
    ObjRender_SetColor(objHitbox, 255, 0, 0);
    Obj_SetRenderPriority(objHitbox, 0.31); // Player renders at 30
    let objHitbox2 = ObjPrim_Create(OBJ_SPRITE_2D);
    ObjPrim_SetTexture(objHitbox2, path);
    ObjSprite2D_SetSourceRect(objHitbox2, 0, 0, 5, 5);
    ObjSprite2D_SetDestRect(objHitbox2, -3, -3, 3, 3);
    Obj_SetRenderPriority(objHitbox2, 0.31); // Player renders at 30

    loop {
        if (visible && (playerdead || GetVirtualKeyState(VK_SLOWMOVE) != KEY_HOLD)) { // Shift to invisible
            visible = false;
            Obj_SetVisible(objHitbox, false);
            Obj_SetVisible(objHitbox2, false);
        } else if (!visible && !playerdead && GetVirtualKeyState(VK_SLOWMOVE) == KEY_HOLD) { // Shift to visible
            visible = true;
            Obj_SetVisible(objHitbox, true);
            Obj_SetVisible(objHitbox2, true);

        ObjRender_SetPosition(objHitbox, GetPlayerX(), GetPlayerY(), 1);
        ObjRender_SetPosition(objHitbox2, GetPlayerX(), GetPlayerY(), 1);

// Creates an option to the side of the player
task CreateOption(dir) {
    let path = csd ~ "white.png";
    let unfocdist = 64; // Distance to the player when unfocused
    let focdist = 32; // Distance to the player when focused
    let transitionfr = 15; // Number of frames for option transition when focused/unfocused state switches
    let currdist = unfocdist;
    let objOption = ObjPrim_Create(OBJ_SPRITE_2D);
    ObjPrim_SetTexture(objOption, path);
    ObjSprite2D_SetSourceRect(objOption, 0, 0, 11, 11);
    loop {
        if (playerdead) {
            ObjRender_SetAlpha(objOption, 0);
        } else {
            ObjRender_SetAlpha(objOption, 255);
        if (GetVirtualKeyState(VK_SLOWMOVE) != KEY_HOLD && GetVirtualKeyState(VK_SLOWMOVE) != KEY_PUSH) { // Unfocused
            if (currdist < unfocdist) {
                currdist += (unfocdist - focdist)/transitionfr;
        } else { // Focused
            if (currdist > focdist) {
                currdist -= (unfocdist - focdist)/transitionfr;
        ObjRender_SetPosition(objOption, GetPlayerX() + currdist*dir, GetPlayerY(), 1);
        if (!playerdead && GetVirtualKeyState(VK_SHOT) != KEY_FREE) {
            if (count % 12 == 0) {
                if (GetVirtualKeyState(VK_SLOWMOVE) != KEY_HOLD && GetVirtualKeyState(VK_SLOWMOVE) != KEY_PUSH) { // Unfocused
                    CreatePlayerShotA1(ObjRender_GetX(objOption), ObjRender_GetY(objOption), 12, 270, 6, 1, 1);
                } else { // Focused
                    CreatePlayerShotA1(ObjRender_GetX(objOption), ObjRender_GetY(objOption), 6, 270, 6, 2, 2);

task PlayerShot {
    loop {
        if (!playerdead && GetVirtualKeyState(VK_SHOT) != KEY_FREE) {
            if (count % 6 == 0) {
                CreatePlayerShotA1(GetPlayerX() - 4, GetPlayerY() - 8, 10, 270, 4, 1, 1);
                CreatePlayerShotA1(GetPlayerX() + 4, GetPlayerY() - 8, 10, 270, 4, 1, 1);
                if (GetVirtualKeyState(VK_SLOWMOVE) != KEY_HOLD && GetVirtualKeyState(VK_SLOWMOVE) != KEY_PUSH) { // Unfocused
                    CreatePlayerShotA1(GetPlayerX(), GetPlayerY() - 8, 12, 250, 4.5, 1, 1);
                    CreatePlayerShotA1(GetPlayerX(), GetPlayerY() - 8, 12, 260, 4.5, 1, 1);
                    CreatePlayerShotA1(GetPlayerX(), GetPlayerY() - 8, 12, 280, 4.5, 1, 1);
                    CreatePlayerShotA1(GetPlayerX(), GetPlayerY() - 8, 12, 290, 4.5, 1, 1);
                } else { // Focused
                    CreatePlayerShotA1(GetPlayerX(), GetPlayerY() - 8, 12, 260, 3, 1, 1);
                    CreatePlayerShotA1(GetPlayerX(), GetPlayerY() - 8, 12, 265, 3, 1, 1);
                    CreatePlayerShotA1(GetPlayerX(), GetPlayerY() - 8, 12, 275, 3, 1, 1);
                    CreatePlayerShotA1(GetPlayerX(), GetPlayerY() - 8, 12, 280, 3, 1, 1);

task CreateGrazeParticle {
    let path = csd ~ "white.png";
    let objParticle = ObjPrim_Create(OBJ_SPRITE_2D);
    let startx = GetPlayerX();
    let starty = GetPlayerY();
    let angle = rand(0, 360);
    let anglecomponents = [cos(angle), sin(angle)];
    let speed = rand(0, 4) + rand(0, 8);
    let frames = 30; // Frames for the particle to exist
    let size = rand(1, 3);
    curr_graze_particles += 1;
    ObjPrim_SetTexture(objParticle, path);
    ObjSprite2D_SetSourceRect(objParticle, 0, 0, size, size);
    ascent(i in 0..frames) {
        ObjRender_SetX(objParticle, startx + anglecomponents[0] * i);
        ObjRender_SetY(objParticle, starty + anglecomponents[1] * i);
        if (i > frames/2) {
            ObjRender_SetAlpha(objParticle, 255 - (i - frames/2)*255/(frames/2));
    curr_graze_particles -= 1;

task CreateExpandingInvertSquare(angle) {
    let path = csd ~ "white.png";
    let objSquare = ObjPrim_Create(OBJ_SPRITE_2D);
    ObjPrim_SetTexture(objSquare, path);
    ObjRender_SetBlendType(objSquare, BLEND_INV_DESTRGB);
    ObjSprite2D_SetSourceRect(objSquare, 0, 0, 2048, 2048);
    ObjRender_SetPosition(objSquare, GetPlayerX(), GetPlayerY(), 0);
    ObjRender_SetAngleZ(objSquare, angle);
    ascent(i in 0..120) {
        // Scale goes from 0 to 1
        ObjRender_SetScaleXYZ(objSquare, i/120, i/120, i/120);

task CreateDeathParticle {
    let path = csd ~ "white.png";
    let objSquare = ObjPrim_Create(OBJ_SPRITE_2D);
    let angle = rand(0, 360);
    let anglecomponents = [cos(angle), sin(angle)];
    let speed = rand(0, 8);
    let accel = speed/100;
    let startx = GetPlayerX();
    let starty = GetPlayerY();
    let currx = startx;
    let curry = starty;
    ObjPrim_SetTexture(objSquare, path);
    ObjSprite2D_SetSourceRect(objSquare, 0, 0, 8, 8);
    ObjRender_SetPosition(objSquare, startx, starty, 0);
    let rotangles = [rand(0, 360), rand(0, 360), rand(0, 360)];
    let rotspeeds = [rand(0, 6), rand(0, 6), rand(0, 6)];
    let downframes = GetPlayerDownStateFrame();
    ascent(i in 0..downframes/2) {
        currx += anglecomponents[0] * speed;
        curry += anglecomponents[1] * speed;
        ObjRender_SetPosition(objSquare, currx, curry, 0);
        rotangles[0] = rotangles[0] + rotspeeds[0];
        rotangles[1] = rotangles[1] + rotspeeds[1];
        rotangles[2] = rotangles[2] + rotspeeds[2];
        ObjRender_SetAngleXYZ(objSquare, rotangles[0], rotangles[1], rotangles[2]);
        speed -= accel;
    // Use respawn location to determine movement back towards it
    let dx = GetStgFrameWidth()/2 - currx;
    let dy = GetStgFrameHeight() - 32 - curry;
    ascent(i in 0..downframes/2) {
        currx += dx/(downframes/2);
        curry += dy/(downframes/2);
        ObjRender_SetPosition(objSquare, currx, curry, 0);
        rotangles[0] = rotangles[0] + rotspeeds[0];
        rotangles[1] = rotangles[1] + rotspeeds[1];
        rotangles[2] = rotangles[2] + rotspeeds[2];
        ObjRender_SetAngleXYZ(objSquare, rotangles[0], rotangles[1], rotangles[2]);

task DeathExplosion {
    loop(30) {
    loop(5) {yield;}

task MagicCircle {
    let imgpath = GetCurrentScriptDirectory() ~ "./u3l29sample.png";
    let NUM_VERTEX = 32;
    let MC_RADIUS = 96;
    let scale = 1;
    let listRadius = [];
    loop(NUM_VERTEX) {
        listRadius = listRadius ~ [0];
    let objCirc = ObjPrim_Create(OBJ_PRIMITIVE_2D);
    ObjPrim_SetTexture(objCirc, imgpath);
    ObjPrim_SetPrimitiveType(objCirc, PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLESTRIP);
    ObjPrim_SetVertexCount(objCirc, NUM_VERTEX);
    ObjRender_SetScaleXYZ(objCirc, scale, scale, 1);
    ascent(iVert in 0..NUM_VERTEX / 2){
        let left = iVert * 240/NUM_VERTEX;
        let indexVert = iVert * 2;
        ObjPrim_SetVertexUVT(objCirc, indexVert + 0, left, 125);
        ObjPrim_SetVertexUVT(objCirc, indexVert + 1, left, 141);
    let angleRender = 0;
    let frameInvOld = 0;
    loop { // Magic circle never deletes
        let frameInv = GetPlayerInvincibilityFrame();
        if (frameInv <= 0) { // Not Invincible
            Obj_SetVisible(objCirc, false);
        } else {
            Obj_SetVisible(objCirc, true);
            if (frameInv > 240) { // We will use an arbitrary cutoff of 240 frames for our 'max' scale
                frameInv = 240;
            scale = frameInv/240;
            ObjRender_SetScaleXYZ(objCirc, scale, scale, 1);
            angleRender += 360 / NUM_VERTEX / 8;
            ascent(iVert in 0..NUM_VERTEX / 2) {
                let indexVert = iVert * 2;
                let angle = 360 / (NUM_VERTEX / 2 - 1) * iVert;
                let vx1 = listRadius[indexVert] * cos(angle);
                let vy1 = listRadius[indexVert] * sin(angle);
                ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objCirc, indexVert + 0, vx1, vy1, 0);
                let vx2 = listRadius[indexVert+1] * cos(angle);
                let vy2 = listRadius[indexVert+1] * sin(angle);
                ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objCirc, indexVert + 1, vx2, vy2, 0);
                let drOut = (MC_RADIUS - listRadius[indexVert]) / 8;
                listRadius[indexVert] = listRadius[indexVert] + drOut;
                let rRateIn = 1 - 0.12;
                let drIn = (MC_RADIUS * rRateIn - listRadius[indexVert + 1]) / 8;
                listRadius[indexVert + 1] = listRadius[indexVert + 1] + drIn;
            ObjRender_SetPosition(objCirc, GetPlayerX(), GetPlayerY(), 1);
            ObjRender_SetAngleZ(objCirc, angleRender);

task CreateUnfocusedSpellSquare(ID) {
    let path = csd ~ "white.png";
    let rad = 0; // Tracks size
    let objspell = ObjSpell_Create;
    ObjPrim_SetPrimitiveType(objspell, PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLEFAN);
    ObjPrim_SetVertexCount(objspell, 4);
    ObjPrim_SetTexture(objspell, path);
    ObjRender_SetBlendType(objspell, BLEND_ADD_ARGB);
    ObjPrim_SetVertexUVT(objspell, 0, 0, 0);
    ObjPrim_SetVertexUVT(objspell, 1, 512, 0);
    ObjPrim_SetVertexUVT(objspell, 2, 512, 512);
    ObjPrim_SetVertexUVT(objspell, 3, 0, 512);
    ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 0, -rad, -rad, 0);
    ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 1, rad, -rad, 0);
    ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 2, rad, rad, 0);
    ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 3, -rad, rad, 0);
    ObjRender_SetAngleZ(objspell, ID*7);
    ascent(i in 0..30) {
        ObjRender_SetPosition(objspell, GetPlayerX(), GetPlayerY(), 0);
        ObjSpell_SetIntersectionCircle(objspell, GetPlayerX(), GetPlayerY(), rad*2^0.5);
        ObjSpell_SetDamage(objspell, 2);

        ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 0, -rad, -rad, 0);
        ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 1, rad, -rad, 0);
        ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 2, rad, rad, 0);
        ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 3, -rad, rad, 0);
        ObjPrim_SetVertexAlpha(objspell, 0, 255 - i*255/30);
        ObjPrim_SetVertexAlpha(objspell, 1, 255 - i*255/30);
        ObjPrim_SetVertexAlpha(objspell, 2, 255 - i*255/30);
        ObjPrim_SetVertexAlpha(objspell, 3, 255 - i*255/30);

        rad += 256/30; // Reaches 256 in 30 frames

task UnfocusedSpell {
    let objManage = GetSpellManageObject(); // Start of spell
    SetPlayerInvincibilityFrame(240); // Should last duration of spell + some buffer time afterwards
    ascent(i in 0..20) {
        loop(6) {yield;}
    loop(30) {yield;} // Wait for all spell objects to delete before ending spell
    Obj_Delete(objManage); // End of spell

task CreateFocusedSpellSquare(ID, dir) {
    let path = csd ~ "white.png";
    let rad = 0; // Tracks size
    let rotdist = 64;
    let objspell = ObjSpell_Create;
    ObjPrim_SetPrimitiveType(objspell, PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLEFAN);
    ObjPrim_SetVertexCount(objspell, 4);
    ObjPrim_SetTexture(objspell, path);
    ObjRender_SetBlendType(objspell, BLEND_ADD_ARGB);
    ObjPrim_SetVertexUVT(objspell, 0, 0, 0);
    ObjPrim_SetVertexUVT(objspell, 1, 64, 0);
    ObjPrim_SetVertexUVT(objspell, 2, 64, 64);
    ObjPrim_SetVertexUVT(objspell, 3, 0, 64);
    ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 0, -rad, -rad, 0);
    ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 1, rad, -rad, 0);
    ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 2, rad, rad, 0);
    ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 3, -rad, rad, 0);
    let currx = GetPlayerX();
    let curry = GetPlayerY();
    ascent(i in 0..60) {
        // Base location + gradual expansion + rotation
        currx = GetPlayerX() + rotdist/60*i * cos(270 + 360/60*i*dir);
        curry = GetPlayerY() + rotdist/60*i * sin(270 + 360/60*i*dir);
        ObjRender_SetPosition(objspell, currx, curry, 0);
        ObjSpell_SetIntersectionCircle(objspell, GetPlayerX(), GetPlayerY(), rad*2^0.5);
        ObjSpell_SetDamage(objspell, 1);

        ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 0, -rad, -rad, 0);
        ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 1, rad, -rad, 0);
        ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 2, rad, rad, 0);
        ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 3, -rad, rad, 0);

        ObjRender_SetAngleZ(objspell, ID*7 + 360/60*i);

        if (rad < 32) { // Reaches 32 in 60 frames
            rad += 32/60;
    let ascendspeed = 12;
    ascent(i in 0..60) {
        currx = GetPlayerX() + 32*sin(i*360/30*dir);
        curry = GetPlayerY() - rotdist - ascendspeed*i;
        ObjRender_SetPosition(objspell, currx, curry, 0);
        ObjSpell_SetIntersectionCircle(objspell, currx, curry, rad*2^0.5);
        ObjSpell_SetDamage(objspell, 1 + 4/60*i);

        ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 0, -rad, -rad, 0);
        ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 1, rad, -rad, 0);
        ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 2, rad, rad, 0);
        ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(objspell, 3, -rad, rad, 0);

        ObjRender_SetAngleZ(objspell, ID*7 + 360/60*i);

        if (rad > 16) { // Reaches 16 in 30 frames
            rad -= 16/30;

task FocusedSpell {
    let objManage = GetSpellManageObject(); // Start of spell
    SetPlayerInvincibilityFrame(420); // Should last duration of spell + some buffer time afterwards
    ascent(i in 0..20) {
        CreateFocusedSpellSquare(i, 1);
        loop(3) {yield;}
        CreateFocusedSpellSquare(i, -1);
        loop(3) {yield;}
    loop(120) {yield;} // Wait for all spell objects to delete before ending spell
    Obj_Delete(objManage); // End of spell

